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can you feel my heart go black?

membru din 22 February 2021

can you feel my heart go black?

            ❝I❜ll date myself. And I told you to smile. Why didn❜t you smile?
    There is nothing scary about naturally talented people, hardworking people are the ones to be afraid of.
  I think there will be good results if you believe in yourself and work hard. Cheer up, we❜re rooting for you guys.
  We need to believe we❜ll become the one that we want to become. For example, if we want to be attractive,
   first we must believe that we are very attractive. Whether you believe in opportunities or not, if
               its not the right time for you, it will come someday.                  Do you put some make up on your head,
               cause it❜s really shiny and dewy, it❜s like flawless skin.
                   A little bit of black, a little bit of pink.❞

Lisa is one of the kind, she’s so natural with the flow, this girl is the definition of talented.She has great body control.She knows her body well.She isn’t focus to only one style alone, she’s doing it all.A one of a million person in the world.Lisa’s body control is on a whole different level. The precision, the technique, the feel, the expressions, everything is on another level. She embodies the music so well I feel like she is the dance and the music. Lisa still slayed the dance even when she had a shoulder injury. Can you believe this girl is a rapper, singer, model, dancer, dance mentor, ambassador,muse , kind ,humble , funny, beautiful, literally makes everyone around her happy, maybe a song writer as she writes some of her rap line, stylish, talented, dedicated, judge like seriously? And people still hate her lol. Tired and lazy never exist in Lisa’s dictionary. She is really disciplined, and a professional, giving
                     her all in everything.
      She is the reason I❜m into kpop. Before I was like I will never listening kpop.. so look at me now lol.
      She❜s not just talented she❜s a girl with a kind heart. You can❜t take off ur eyes on her. She❜s beautiful
      inside, out. I love her attitude, behaviour, dancing and singing skills and more of her personalities.
      Lisa was a dance mentor on the second season of ❝Youth With You❞ and she will now be continu
      ing her role as dance mentor on the third season of the show. She has long arms and legs, and she
      has a good expression when she dances, so she has the best dance skills, but she seems to have the
      charm of making people falling in love when she dance on stage. Lisa❜s execution is excellent. Her
      dancing is incredibly sharp and clean: this is because she is able to pick up on very small details in a
      choreography and polish them to perfection. Also, she knows how to ❝finish❞ her movements.

           ❝You cannot see me, even though I show you all my ways
            From Thailand to Korea, and now here, went for the throat
            Being the greatest of all time ain’t fantasy.❞

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